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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarships are available for visiting researchers who want to carry out teaching assignments and research projects for the Erasmus Mundus Masters. Scholarships can be awarded to guest lecturers from any country, who bring added value to the student intake in terms of student-centred teaching/lecturing and related activities. They will be selected by the consortium to contribute to the joint programme within the Partner institutions.


Commit themselves to actively participate in the masters course activities.


Spend a minimum of 1 week in any partner institution.


Perform teaching/research/student tutoring activities in at least one of the partner institution.


Contribute, after their visiting scholar activities, to the promotion and dissemination of the Erasmus Mundus Programme in their university and country of origin.

Please send a CV with a teaching project (1 page), describing your possible contribution (teaching/student tutoring) and referring to the Core Partner where you’d like to be registered, to


International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE) Westvest 7, 2611AX Delft, the Netherlands

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