Where our graduates work
Examples of current professional activities of IMETE Alumni (in no specific order):
Assistant Project Manager and Procurement Manager at China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd in Beijing, China. CHEC plays an important role in developing engineering technology industry. Six main business scopes of CHEC are listed as follows: heavy machinery, environmental protection and water treatment, new energy technology, EPC service, energy technology research and service and international trade.
Research Engineer at the China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries. CNRIFFI integrated research, R&D, quality testing and standard formulation in the field of food science and technology. CNRIFFI is active in R&D of new products, industrialization, promotion of scientific achievements, scientific talents education and joint R&D of industries-academy-research in food and bioengineering technologies.
General Manager at PT. Gapura Liqua Mandiri in Indonesia. The core business is in technology consulting, engineering & supervision, operation and maintenance contract, manufacturing, and product development. Our key technologies now include desalination, purification, wastewater treatment and specialty products.
Research Technician at VITO, Belgium. VITO is a leading European independent research and technology organisation in the areas of cleantech and sustainable development, elaborating solutions for the large societal challenges of today.
Senior Scientific Officer at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
Collaborator for a project from the GIZ (formerly GTZ) - the German Agency for International Cooperation in Vietnam ("Flood Proofing And Drainage
for Medium-sized Coastal Cities in Vietnam for Adaptation to Climate Change"). -
Governmental staff working at Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology.
Risk consultant at KPMG India on Climate Change and Sustainability. KPMG is one of the largest professional services companies in the world and one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and PwC. Its global headquarters are located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. KPMG employs 162,000 people and has three lines of services: audit, tax, and advisory.
Researcher - Project Manager at ASIO spol., s.r.o. in the Czech Republic. The company is involved in the development, production, and delivery of technologies for wastewater treatment, water treatment and air treatment.. The wide range of water management products that it offers are employed in the treatment of wastewater from family houses, villages, towns, hospitals, and in various branches of industry. It is an international company, represented in 32 countries.
Young Researcher supported by a Marie Curie fellowship at Pure Air Solutions, active in high quality biogas potential usage, solvent emission control (VOCs removal) and Life Cycle Assessment, in the Netherlands.
Teaching at the Technological Institute of Hermosillo in Mexico, higher education.
Jr. Sales Engineer at Nijhuis Water Technology, the Netherlands. Nijhuis Water Technology is specialized in the design, manufacture and turnkey delivery of ‘ready for use’ waste water treatment and waste-to-value projects.
Junior Researcher at the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering (POLYMAT), in Donostia-San Sebastian in Spain. The Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering is devoted to use-inspired fundamental research on synthesis, assembly and processing of polymers that in concert with theory and simulation enable addressing to these challenges.
PhD Student in York, United Kingdom.
Project Engineer at the Water & Enviroment Fundacion in Chile. This is a private, non-profit corporation whose partners are the Chilean Government and BHP Billiton-Minera Escondida. Their goal is to convert Chile into a pole of innovation and entrepreneurship. The main areas of development are: Food and Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Water and Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Human Capital, Education and Digitization.
PhD Student at UCTP in Prague.
Working with IUCN India as Intern. The International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. Its work focuses on valuing and conserving nature, ensuring effective and equitable governance of its use, and deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges in climate, food and development.
PhD Student at TU Delft.
Country Manager at Polyeco in Albania. Polyeco is a waste management and valorization company with headquarters in Greece, with presence in Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Cyprus, Lebanon, Mauritius, Mongolia, Jordan, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia. Polyeco implements technically challenging and time critical waste management projects across the globe.
PhD Student focused on biological recovery of urban organic waste by dry anaerobic digestion. Narbonne, Languedoc-Roussillon, France.
Project Manager en VERTEX Ingenieros Consultores, in Mexico. VERTEX is an international technical services firm that provides construction, environmental, energy, air quality, and engineering solutions.
PhD Student in Ghent University.
Consultor Ambiental with Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers
Ecuador. WALSH-Ecuador provides a broad range of services in Ecuador. We specialize in environmental and archeological services for the oil and gas, mining, transportation, cement, wind energy and waste management industries.
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